What is your leadership profile?

Anyone who has been in the job market for some time has probably worked with very different leaders; there are those that are more controlling, those that are more liberal, those that stay away and let the teamwork, among many other possibilities.

There are many management styles, and it is important to understand how they work to know how to deal with them in the best way. In addition, it is interesting to meet them to choose how to act when taking the lead of a project or having their own team to manage.

What are the types of leadership?

É interessante conhecer os perfis de liderança, não é mesmo? (Fonte: Tenor)

After researching several human resources specialists, the Administradores portal listed the ten most common leadership profiles in companies. Check out what they are.

  1. Coercive: likes things his way and commands people out of fear, usually delivers results and is good at dealing with troubled employees.
  2. Democratic: has good communication skills, trusts the team and is able to get people to cooperate; on the other hand, it can show indecision.
  3. Authoritarian: is always ahead of decisions and motivates the team to walk together, but may end up offering little support to subordinates and being very critical.
  4. Rhythm marker: passionate about work, works with the team, but can have problems with those who do not follow the same fast pace.
  5. Paternal / Maternal: is concerned with the well-being of employees, builds good relationships and knows how to resolve conflicts, but can be overly emotional.
  6. Coach: likes to develop people, helps the team to evolve and faces challenges firmly, but has difficulty understanding that training does not solve everything.
  7. Centralizer: prefers to solve everything on their own. As much as this profile is seen as negative, it can be good for very young teams or moments of crisis.
  8. Liberal: delegates decisions and acts more as a support, which stimulates creativity and innovation; however, too much freedom can compromise the results.
  9. Inspiring: has charisma and leads by example, so that the team knows what to do without orders; on the other hand, you may worry too much about status. Visionary: creates good long-term projects and knows how to recognize talents to work on them, but can have problems on a daily basis that compromise the motivation of the team.

Which leadership profile is better?

Cada perfil de liderança tem pontos positivos e negativos (Fonte: Tenor)

Each leadership profile has positive and negative points that need to be balanced for more efficient management. Experts say that a good manager needs to adopt different attitudes, depending on what each challenge requires.

In a simple example, more democratic or liberal leaders may need more authoritarian or coercive moments if the team needs to deliver results in the short term. Or, a boss who has always worked as a pacemaker may need to have a more maternal/paternal moment to deal with a struggling employee.

In order to discover your predominant profile, you must first get to know yourself: seek to understand how you deal with challenges and how you like to work with the team. Comparing this examination of conscience with the information in this text, it is possible to have a good idea of ​​which leadership profile stands out most in you.

There are tests on the internet, with questions based on practical situations, which help to identify the characteristics.

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